

akgulebubekir/PdfSharp.Maui: Pdf library for .net Maui (


PdfSharp.Maui is a Microsoft.Maui library for converting any Maui.View into PDF. It usesPdfSharpCore which is based on PdfSharp.

You can install the package from NuGet Package Manager (PdfSharp.Maui)


By following (Demo) folder, you will see screenshots, and PDF view generated from.


  • Init : var pdfManager = new PdfManager()
  • Generate : var pdf = pdfManager.GeneratePdfFromView(view, PageOrientation.Landscape, PageSize.A4, PdfStyleUniversal)
  • Save : Utils.PdfSave.Save(pdf, "name.pdf","location")


  • Universal style and Platform Specific(WYSIWYG) Pdf rendering
  • Custom Fonts (You should provide Font while creating PdfManager)
  • Image rendering (FileImageSource's must be copied under Resources/Raw folder )
  • Custom renderer (Write your own renderer for your own custom view)
  • Paper size & orientation support
  • Do not render option : by using pdf:PdfRendererAttributes.ShouldRender="False" you can ignore the view from rendering
  • Gradient background color support (LinearGradientBrush and SolidColorBrush)


  • Images renders only Jpeg format (It converts PNG to JPEG automatically)
  • CustomFont provider can be set only once (PdfSharp limitation)
  • It does not support RadialGradientBrush

ListView & CollectionView Rendering

Due to template style of these view library only renders as basic listview. Therefore you should implement your own delegate classes derived from PdfListViewRendererDelegate or PdfCollectionViewRendererDelegate. You will find the sample list view delegate at PdfSharp.Maui.Sample/CustomListViewRendererDelegate.cs

Custom PDF Renderer

Its possible to write your own renderer, for your own custom view. You should mark your class with PdfRenderer attribute, then you have to create PdfManager by giving the assembly.

[PdfRenderer(ViewType = typeof(YourView))]
	public class PdfCustomViewRenderer : PdfRendererBase<YourView>
		public override void CreatePDFLayout(XGraphics page, YourView view, XRect bounds, double scaleFactor)
			XFont font = new XFont(GlobalFontSettings.DefaultFontName, 14 * scaleFactor);

			page.DrawRectangle(view.GetBackgroundBrush(), bounds);
			page.DrawString("Sample text in the page", font, XBrushes.Black, bounds, XStringFormats.Center);