

CodAffection/JWT-Authentication-with-.Net-Core-Web-API-and-Angular-7: JWT Authentication with .Net Core Web API and Angualr 7 (github.com)

JWT Authentication with .Net Core API & Angular 7

JWT User Authentication Implemented in Asp.Net Core Web API with Angular 7.

Points discussed :

  • How to design login form in Angular 7.
  • Implemented JWT Authentication in Asp.Net Core Web API.
  • Consume Secure API Web Methods from Angular App.
  • Make private routes in Angular 7 Application.
  • Use of HttpInterceptor for Sending Json Web Token.

Get the Code

$ git clone https://github.com/CodAffection/JWT-Authentication-with-.Net-Core-Web-API-and-Angular-7.git
$ cd JWT-Authentication-with-.Net-Core-Web-API-and-Angular-7/Angular7
$ npm install
//run the app
$ ng serve
//update Web API DB connection string