



A dapper extension library.

1.Support MySQL,SQL Server,PostgreSQL,SQLite and ODBC.

2.Support cache.

3.Support sql separation.

4.Support reading and writing separation.

5.Support performance monitoring.

Packages & Status

Dapper.Extensions.NetCoreNuGet package
Dapper.Extensions.MySQLNuGet package
Dapper.Extensions.MSSQLNuGet package
Dapper.Extensions.PostgreSQLNuGet package
Dapper.Extensions.ODBCNuGet package
Dapper.Extensions.SQLiteNuGet package
Dapper.Extensions.Caching.RedisNuGet package
Dapper.Extensions.Caching.MemoryNuGet package
Dapper.Extensions.MiniProfilerNuGet package

Database connection string configuration

The default connection name is 'DefaultConnection'

    "ConnectionStrings": {
        "DefaultConnection": "Data Source=localhost;port=3306;Pooling=true;Initial Catalog=ShopDB;User Id=root;Password=123456;SslMode=none;",
        "MySqlConnection": "Data Source=localhost;port=3306;Pooling=true;Initial Catalog=ShopDB;User Id=root;Password=123456;SslMode=none;",
        "SQLite1Connection": "data source=db//test1.db",
        "SQLite2Connection": "data source=db//test2.db",
        "master_slave": {
            "Master": "data source=db//test.master.db",
            "Slaves": [
                    "ConnectionString": "data source=db//test1.db",
                    "Weight": 4
                    "ConnectionString": "data source=db//test2.db",
                    "Weight": 6

If you need to customize the source of the database connection string, you can implement the IConnectionStringProvider interface.

public class CustomConnectionStringProvider : IConnectionStringProvider
	public string GetConnectionString(string connectionName, bool enableMasterSlave = false, bool readOnly = false)
		throw new NotImplementedException();

Register custom provider


Using Dependency Injection

Note:Dependency injection only supports a single database and the default connection name is 'DefaultConnection'. If you need to use multiple databases, use autofac.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
public class ValuesController : ControllerBase
	private IDapper Repo { get;}

	public ValuesController(IDapper repo)
		Repo = repo;

	// GET api/values
	public async Task<IActionResult> Get()
		var result = await Repo.QueryAsync("select * from tab;");
		return Ok(result);

Using Autofac

public IServiceProvider ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
	var builder = new ContainerBuilder();

	builder.AddDapperForMSSQL("MySqlConnection", "msql-conn");
	builder.AddDapperForSQLite("SQLite1Connection", "sqlite1-conn").AddDapperForSQLite("SQLite2Connection", "sqlite2-conn");

		.Where(t => t.Name.EndsWith("Controller"))
	ApplicationContainer = builder.Build();
	return new AutofacServiceProvider(ApplicationContainer);

Inject objects with IResolveContext

public class ValuesController : ControllerBase
	private IDapper SQLiteRepo1 { get; }
	private IDapper SQLiteRepo2 { get; }

	public ValuesController(IResolveContext context)
		SQLiteRepo1 = context.ResolveDapper("sqlite1-conn");
		SQLiteRepo2 = context.ResolveDapper("sqlite2-conn");
	// GET api/values
	public async Task<IActionResult> Get()
		var r1 = await SQLiteRepo1.QueryAsync("select * from COMPANY LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0");
		var r2 = await SQLiteRepo2.QueryAsync("select * from COMPANY LIMIT 1 OFFSET 0");
		return Ok(new { r1, r2 });

Filter injection using DependencyDapperAttribute

Note:If you’re using metadata filters (DependencyDapperAttribute or WithAttributeFiltering in your constructors), you need to register those components using the WithAttributeFiltering extension. Note that if you’re only using filters but not attributed metadata, you don’t actually need the AttributedMetadataModule. Metadata filters stand on their own.

public class ValuesController : ControllerBase
	private IDapper Repo1 { get; }

	private IDapper Repo2 { get; }

	public ValuesController([DependencyDapper("sqlite1-conn")]IDapper rep1, [DependencyDapper("sqlite2-conn")]IDapper rep2)
		Repo1 = rep1;
		Repo2 = rep2;
	// GET api/values
	public async Task<IActionResult> Get()
		var r1 = await Repo1.QueryAsync("select * from COMPANY;");
		var r2 = await Repo3.QueryAsync("select * from COMPANY;");
		return Ok(new { r1, r2 });

About paging query

The paging method has four SQL variables built in: @Skip, @Take, @TakeStart, @TakeEnd.

MySQL usage example

select * from tab order by id desc limit @Skip, @Take;

MSSQL usage example

SQL Server 2005

select * from (select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by id desc) as row_num,id,title from tab) tab1 where row_num between @TakeStart and @TakeEnd;

SQL Server 2012

select * from tab offset @Skip rows fetch next @Take rows only;

Support for console application

static void Main(string[] args)
	DapperFactory.CreateInstance().ConfigureServices(service =>
	}).ConfigureContainer(container =>
		container.AddDapperForSQLite("Sqlite2", "sqlite2");
	}).ConfigureConfiguration(builder =>

	//query database
	DapperFactory.Step(dapper =>
		var query = dapper.Query("select * from Contact;");

Support for sql separation

Like mybatis, but does not support Dynamic SQL. Modify the xml file to take effect immediately, no need to restart the application.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
	services.AddSQLSeparationForDapper(Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "sql"));
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
  <sql name="COMPANY.list.query"><![CDATA[select * from COMPANY where id=@id;]]></sql>
  <paging-sql name="COMPANY.paging">
    <count>select count(*) from COMPANY;</count>
    <query>select * from COMPANY limit @Skip,@Take;</query>

The name must be globally unique.

var list = await Repo1.QueryAsync<Company>(name: "COMPANY.list.query",new{ id=1 });
var page = await Repo1.QueryPageAsync<Company>(name: "COMPANY.paging", 1,20 );


In redis

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
	services.AddDapperCachingInRedis(new RedisConfiguration
		AllMethodsEnableCache = false,
		ConnectionString = "localhost:6379,password=nihao123#@!"

	//Redis partition mode
	//services.AddDapperCachingInPartitionRedis(new PartitionRedisConfiguration
		//AllMethodsEnableCache = false,
		//Connections = new[] { "localhost:6379,password=nihao123#@!,defaultDatabase=1", "localhost:6379,password=nihao123#@!,defaultDatabase=2" }

In Memory

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
	services.AddDapperCachingInMemory(new RedisConfiguration
		AllMethodsEnableCache = false


Recommended usage

It is recommended to use a custom cache key, because the built-in key generator is based on all parameters MD5 hash, which affects performance.

public async Task<IActionResult> Get()
	int pageindex = 1;
	var page = await Repo1.QueryPageAsync<object>("select count(*) from COMPANY;", "select * from COMPANY limit @Take OFFSET @Skip;", pageindex, 20, enableCache: true, cacheKey: $"page:{pageindex}", cacheExpire: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(100));
	return Ok(page);


If the cache does not exist, it adds a lock when reading data from the database to prevent cache breakdown. Dapper.Extensions is just a low-level data access library. Preventing malicious attacks is not its responsibility. You can add Bloom filters before this.

Support for MiniProfiler

Dapper.Extensions.MiniProfiler just adds support for MiniProfiler. To enable MiniProfiler, you need to configure it yourself. Please check the documentation.

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)

Support performance monitoring

services.AddDapperForSQLite(monitorBuilder =>
	monitorBuilder.Threshold = 200;
	monitorBuilder.EnableLog = true;
ThresholdSlow SQL command execution time critical value, greater than this value will trigger the monitoring event, default 200, unit millisecond
EnableLogWrite the log when there is a slow query
AddMonitorHandlerAdd a custom processor

Read and write separation

To use read and write separation, you must use autofac injection.

    "ConnectionStrings": {
        "master_slave": {
            "Master": "data source=db//test.master.db",
            "Slaves": [
                    "ConnectionString": "data source=db//test1.db",
                    "Weight": 4
                    "ConnectionString": "data source=db//test2.db",
                    "Weight": 6

enableMasterSlave: Enable read and write separation.

public void ConfigureContainer(ContainerBuilder builder)
	builder.AddDapperForSQLite("master_slave", "master_slave", enableMasterSlave:true);

readOnly: Access to the slave database(s), using weighted polling by default.

public class ValuesController : ControllerBase
    private IDapper Writer { get; }

    private IDapper Reader { get; }

    public ValuesController([DependencyDapper("master_slave")]IDapper writer, [DependencyDapper("master_slave",readOnly:true)]IDapper reader)
        Writer = writer;
        Reader = reader;
    public async Task<IActionResult> Get()
        await writer.ExecuteAsync("delete * from COMPANY;");
        var result = await reader.QueryAsync("select * from COMPANY;");
        return Ok(result);

Splicing sql strings

Similar to the usage of string.format(), the content in {} is determined by the parameters; it supports ‘else’, {sql1: sql2}, if the parameter is true, use sql1, otherwise use sql2.


var id=1;
var sql="select * from tab where 1=1 {and id=@id} {and status=0} and {r1=1:r2=2} and {t1=1:t2=2};".Splice(id>0,false, true, false);


select * from tab where 1=1 and id=@id  and r1=1 and t2=2;

Extended market installation extension plug-in(SQLSpliceHighlight) highlights

Built-in global unique id generator(Snowflake)

// Initialization
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
	SnowflakeUtils.Initialization(1, 1);

// generate
public IActionResult GenerateId()
	return Ok(SnowflakeUtils.GenerateId());