FreakyAli/Maui.FreakyControls: A full set of freaky controls for .Net Maui that do a tad bit more... (
Freaky Controls are your usual Maui Controls but with a freaky twist to it :D
Support | OS |
iOS | iOS 11.0+ |
Android | API 23+ (Marshmallow) |
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Add our NuGet package or
Run the following command to add nuget to your .Net MAUI app:
Install-Package FreakyControls -Version 0.1.0
Adding FreakyControlsHandlers to your MAUI app:
Add the following using statement and then Init the handlers in your MauiProgram:
using MAUI.FreakyControls.Extensions;
And then in your MauiProgram which would be something like below :
namespace Something;
public static class MauiProgram
var builder = MauiApp.CreateBuilder();
.ConfigureMauiHandlers(handlers =>
handlers.AddFreakyHandlers(); // To Init your freaky handlers for Entry and Editor
// This line is needed for the follow issue:
builder.InitSkiaSharp(); // Use this if you want to use FreakySvgImageView
return builder.Build();
Now you can use the controls in your app.
For more details and API documentation check our Wiki