wieslawsoltes/NodeEditor: A node editor control for Avalonia. (github.com)
A node editor control for Avalonia.
The node editor is an Avalonia control for editing and rendering nodes and connectors. Node contents can be defined from xaml. Node controls, connectors and pins can be retemplated from xaml or used with the provided default theme. The contents of the nodes are rendered based on provided view models. The default implementation of the view models is done using ReactiveUI, users can create their own view models based on core model interfaces. The node contents are resolved using the provided object type by view locator.
Building NodeEditor
First, clone the repository or download the latest zip.
git clone https://github.com/wieslawsoltes/NodeEditor.git
Build on Windows using script
Open up a command-prompt and execute the commands:
Build on Linux using script
Open up a terminal prompt and execute the commands:
Build on OSX using script
Open up a terminal prompt and execute the commands:
git clone https://github.com/wieslawsoltes/NodeEditor.git
dotnet workload install wasm-tools
dotnet run --project ./samples/NodeEditor.Web/NodeEditor.Web.csproj -c Release
NodeEditor is delivered as a NuGet package.
You can find the packages here NuGet and install the package like this:
Install-Package NodeEditorAvalonia
Available Packages
- NodeEditorAvalonia - The main package with Avalonia controls and default theme.
- NodeEditorAvalonia.ReactiveUI - The ReactiveUI view models with default implementation.
- NodeEditorAvalonia.Model - The base interfaces used in controls and view models.
- NodeEditorAvalonia.Serializer - The serializer for ReactiveUI view models.
- NodeEditorAvalonia.Export - The renderers for exporting drawings as svg, pdf and png files.
Package Sources
NodeEditor is licensed under the MIT license.