

BlazorFluentUI/BlazorFluentUI: Port of FluentUI/Office Fabric React components and style to Blazor (


Although we have created a quite complete port of the React Fluent UI library, it has become clear that it is impossible for us to keep up with the changes that Microsoft and the community are making there. That, combined with the fact that we have only a few people working on the code (in their spare time mostly), has made us decide that as of now we will be switching to maintenace mode for the BlazorFluentUI library.

What does this mean?

We will not be adding any new functionality and bug fixing will be minimal.

Does this mean I should not use BlazorFluentUI anymore?

That is up to you. The functionality and features that are available will stay available. We have released a V6 version, running on .NET 6. This means you can still use the library in it's current form until at least November 2022 (when .NET 7 will be released). Maybe we will even release a verion compiled on that .NET version, but no promises.

What is my alternative?

Microsoft has released V1.0 of a Blazor wrapper ( for their Fluent UI Web Components library based on standard Web Components technology ( which is an implementation of their FAST framework ( We are in close contact with the Microsoft team, leveraging our knowledge gained with building BlazorFluentUI and are already actively contributing to the repository. Their not aiming to match what you get with React Fluent UI today. Rather, they are building to the latest version of Fluent as seen in Windows 11. An implementation of all the current Fluent Web Components can be found at An official Blazor demo environment is in the works too. For now you can visit


Port of Fluent UI React components and style (formerly Office Fabric) to Blazor

Blazor Webassembly Demo

Blazor Server Demo (Older version!)

How to use the library

How To Use: Blazor Webassembly
How To Use: Blazor Server