


carlfranklin/BlazorCanvas (

Blazor Canvas

This demo builds on from Scott Harden's EXCELLENT blog post, Draw Animated Graphics in the Browser with Blazor WebAssembly, which uses the OSS Blazor.Extensions.Canvas component to draw on the canvas, but also includes JavaScript to help with animations, illustrating the real power of the HTML Canvas element. Click here for a tutorial on the HTML Canvas element.

I took it one step beyond by encapsulating the JavaScript required to do animations in a Razor Class Library, which I call AvnCanvasHelper. At some point, I will create a repo just for AvnCanvasHelper because it can be used to do any kind of Canvas animation.


To use AvnCanvasHelper, place the BECanvas inside it as child content like so:


        <BECanvas Width="600" Height="400" @ref="CanvasReference"></BECanvas>


Then, you'll need to hold references to the AvnCanvasHelper as well as the Context and the Canvas itself:

private Canvas2DContext Ctx;
private BECanvasComponent CanvasReference;
private CanvasHelper CanvasHelper;

Create your canvas reference in OnAfterRenderAsync and initialize the AvnCanvasHelper

protected override async Task OnAfterRenderAsync(bool firstRender)
    if (firstRender)
        // Create the canvas and context
        Ctx = await CanvasReference.CreateCanvas2DAsync();
        // Initialize the helper
        await CanvasHelper.Initialize();

Now you can handle the RenderFrame event to draw the next frame. Here's an example from the demo:

public async Task RenderFrame(double fps)
    // update the Frames Per Second measurement
    FPS = fps;

    // The following code is adapted from Scott Harden's EXCELLENT blog post, 
    // "Draw Animated Graphics in the Browser with Blazor WebAssembly"

    if (BallField.Balls.Count == 0)


    await this.Ctx.BeginBatchAsync();

    await this.Ctx.ClearRectAsync(0, 0, BallField.Width, BallField.Height);
    await this.Ctx.SetFillStyleAsync("#003366");
    await this.Ctx.FillRectAsync(0, 0, BallField.Width, BallField.Height);

    await this.Ctx.SetFontAsync("26px Segoe UI");
    await this.Ctx.SetFillStyleAsync("#FFFFFF");
    await this.Ctx.FillTextAsync("Blazor Canvas", 10, 30);

    await this.Ctx.SetFontAsync("16px consolas");
    await this.Ctx.FillTextAsync($"FPS: {fps:0.000}", 10, 50);

    await this.Ctx.SetStrokeStyleAsync("#FFFFFF");
    foreach (var ball in BallField.Balls)
        await this.Ctx.BeginPathAsync();
        await this.Ctx.ArcAsync(ball.X, ball.Y, ball.R, 0, 2 * Math.PI, false);
        await this.Ctx.SetFillStyleAsync(ball.Color);
        await this.Ctx.FillAsync();
        await this.Ctx.StrokeAsync();

    await this.Ctx.EndBatchAsync();