

havit/Havit.Blazor: Free Bootstrap 5 components for ASP.NET Blazor + optional enterprise-level stack for Blazor development (gRPC code-first, layered architecture, localization, auth, ...) (

HAVIT Blazor - Bootstrap 5 component bundle

Free Bootstrap 5 components for ASP.NET Blazor

.NET 5.0+ with Blazor WebAssembly or Blazor Server (other hosting models not tested yet, .NET 6.0 fully supported)

Enterprise project template (optional) - layered architecture, EF Core, gRPC code-first, ...

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HxAutosuggest - Component for single item selection with dynamic suggestions.

HxCalendar - Basic calendar building block.

HxInputCheckbox - Checkbox input.

HxInputDate - Date picker. Form input component for entering a date.

HxInputDateRange - Date range picker. Form input component for entering start date and end date.

HxInputFile[Core] - Wraps HxInputFileCore as Bootstrap form control (incl. Label etc.).

HxInputFileDropZone - Ready-made UX for drag&drop file upload.

HxInputNumber - Numeric input.

HxInputPercent - Numeric input in percentages with value normalization (0% = 0, 100% = 1.0).

HxInputSwitch - Switch input.

HxInputTags - Input for entering tags.

HxInputText - Text input (also password, search, etc.)

HxInputTextArea - Textarea.

HxCheckboxList - Multiple choice by checkboxes.

HxFormState - Propagates form states as a cascading parementer to child components.

HxFormValue - Displays a read-only value in the form control visual.

HxRadioButtonList - Select.

HxSelect - Select - DropDownList - single-item picker.

HxMultiSelect - Unlike a normal select, multiselect allows the user to select multiple options at once.

HxSearchBox - A search input component witch automatic suggestions, initial dropdown template and free-text queries support.

HxFilterForm - Edit form derived from HxModelEditForm with support for chip generators.

HxValidationMessage - Displays a list of validation messages for a specified field.

Buttons & Indicators

HxButton - Bootstrap button.

HxButtonGroup - Bootstrap ButtonGroups.

HxButtonToolbar - Bootstrap ButtonGroups.

HxCloseButton - Bootstrap close-button.

HxSubmit - Submit button.

HxDropdown - Bootstrap 5 Dropdown.

HxBadge - Bootstrap Badge component.

HxChipList - Presents a list of chips as badges.

HxIcon - Displays an icon.

HxSpinner - Bootstrap Spinner (usually indicates operation in progress).

HxProgressIndicator - Displays the content of the component as "in progress".

HxTooltip - Bootstrap Tooltip component, activates on hover.

HxPopover - Bootstrap Popover component.

Data & Grid

HxGrid - Grid to display tabular data from data source.

HxContextMenu - Ready-made context menu.

HxPager - Pager.

HxRepeater - A data-bound list component.

HxTreeView - Component to display hierarchy data structure.

Layout & Typography

HxAccordion - Bootstrap accordion component.

HxAlert - Bootstrap Alert.

HxBadge - Bootstrap Badge component.

HxCard - Bootstrap Card component.

HxCarousel - A slideshow component for cycling through elements—images or slides of text—like a carousel.

HxCollapse - Bootstrap 5 Collapse component.

HxDropdown - Bootstrap 5 Dropdown.

HxIcon - Displays an icon.

HxSpinner - Bootstrap Spinner (usually indicates operation in progress).

HxPlaceholder - Bootstrap 5 Placeholder component, aka Skeleton.

HxProgress - Bootstrap 5 Progress component.

HxProgressIndicator - Displays the content of the component as "in progress".

HxTooltip - Bootstrap Tooltip component, activates on hover.

HxTabPanel - Container for HxTab.

HxListGroup - Bootstrap 5 List group component.

HxListLayout - Page layout for data presentation (usualy HxGrid with filter in HxOffcanvas).

HxFormValue - Displays a read-only value in the form control visual (as .form-control, with label, border, etc.).


HxNavbar - Bootstrap 5 Navbar component - responsive navigation header.

HxSidebar - Sidebar component - responsive navigation sidebar.

HxNav - Bootstrap Nav component.

HxNavLink - Bootstrap Nav component.

HxScrollspy - Bootstrap Scrollspy component.

HxBreadcrumb - Bootstrap 5 Breadcrumb component. Indicates the current page’s location within a navigational hierarchy.

HxAnchorFragmentNavigation - Compensates Blazor deficiency in anchor-fragments (scrolling to page#id URLs).

HxContextMenu - Ready-made context menu.

HxDropdown - Bootstrap 5 Dropdown.

HxTabPanel - Container for HxTab for easier implementation of tabbed UI.

HxRedirectTo - Rendering a HxRedirectTo will navigate to a new location.

Modals & Interactions

HxMessageBox - Component to display message-boxes.

HxModal - Component to render modal dialog as a Bootstrap Modal.

HxDialogBase - Base class to simplify custom modal dialog implementation.

HxOffcanvas - Bootstrap Offcanvas component (aka Drawer).

HxMessenger - HxToastContainer wrapper for displaying HxToast messages dispatched through IHxMessengerService.

HxToast - Bootstrap Toast component. Not intented to be used in user code, use HxMessenger.


HxDynamicElement - Renders an element with the specified name, attributes and child-content.

HxGoogleTagManager - Support for Google Tag Manager - initialization and pushing data to data-layer.